Booking Information

Suggested Donations for use of The Scout Hut facilities are as follows:

Badger Hill Families and Events for Children or young people who are members of the Scouting movement:

Main Hall, Kitchen, Field & Toilets:
Monday – Friday £12.50 per hour                                             
Sat – Sun up to 6pm £14.00 per hour                           
Field, kitchen & toilets £10.00 per hour                        

Everyone else:

Main Hall, Kitchen, Field & Toilets:
Monday – Friday £15.00 per hour
Sat – Sun up to 6pm £16.00 per hour
Field, kitchen & toilets £12.50 per hour

  • We require a returnable tidy levy fee of £50 for children’s parties and £100 for all other non-commercial events;
  • Persons using the Scout Hut are responsible for removing and the disposal of rubbish and ensuring it is left clean and tidy;

Use of the Scout Hut during the evenings is by prior arrangement with Badger Hill Scouts.  

Your booking will be confirmed as soon as possible.

In addition to the tidy levy, a 10% deposit is requested when booking any of the site facilities – refundable if 21 days notice of cancellation is given.

Scouts must comply with the “Nights Away” permit scheme. Other Youth organisations are required to complete, sign and return the declaration  of acceptance of The Scout Association’s Child Protection and Safety Policies.

If you require any further information or help, please do not hesitate to contact Badger Hill